Thank you for your generosity in giving to the financial needs of Grove Church St Aidan’s. The money goes towards the work of the church, including the maintenance of the property, payment of staff salaries and support of different ministries run by the church throughout the week and year. As a church community, we also support a number of missionaries and Christian workers within Australia and overseas.
As well as the offertory which is taken in our Sunday services, there is the option of giving via EFT (electronic funds transfer). Our bank details are below for your convenience. Please write in the description if you would like the funds to go towards a particular area (e.g. “mission giving”, “building loan”, or a specific missionary’s name), otherwise the money will be put towards the church’s general annual budget.
St Aidan’s Anglican Church, Hurstville Grove
BSB: 032-167
Account Number: 346-958